Bollywood films include Indian actress Ananya Pandey. In 2019, she made her acting debut in the movie “Student of the Year 2.” Since then, she has acted in a number of additional movies, such as “Pati Patni Aur Woh” and “Khaali Peeli.” Pandey, who has a sizable social media following, is the daughter of actor Chunky Pandey.
The Early Years of Ananya Pandey
The seasoned comedians Chunky Pandey and Bhavana Pandey welcomed Ananya into the world on October 30, 1998. Rysa Pandey is the name of her younger sister.
Ananya Pandey’s educational qualifications
Ananya excelled academically in school. She completed her education at Dhirubhai Ambani International School. She is currently pursuing her degree from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles.
Ananya Pandey’s Net Worth Her net worth
ranges from Rs. 5 to Rs. 7 crore. She charged around Rs. 1 crore each picture. She resides in a home with her family in Mumbai, Maharashtra. She has popular cars such as the MERCEDES BENZ (E class), SKODA kODIAQ, BMW 7, and Land Rover Vogue.
Ananya Pandey won awards
Pandey has received numerous honors and nominations for her acting performances, including the Filmfare Award for Best Female Debut in 2020.
Freuently Asked Questions
How old is Ananya Pandey?
Pandey was born on October 30, 1998, and is currently 26 years old (as of 2025).
How is Ananya’s Father?
Ananya is the daughter of Indian actor Chunky Pandey and a member of the Pandey family, which has a rich history in the film business.
What is Ananya Pandey’s net worth?
Ananya has a net worth of around Rs. 5 to 7 crores.
Is Ananya bramhin?
Yes, Ananya is a member of the Hindu Bramhin family.
What is Ananya’s height in feet?
Her height in feet is 5’6″.
Also Read: Manish Pandey Biography
Sangeetha is a passionate writer with over 10 years of experience in Content Marketing. When Sangeetha is not Writing, Geetha enjoys Watching Movies. Through topbestindia, Sangeetha aims to “inspire readers with the latest trends”.